An early 1970's aeriel map before the M67 motorway was opened showing Hoviley Brow and where Morrisons Supermarket now stands. Mottram Road runs across the bottom of the photo
A look at a modern map shows that the shape of Hoviley Brow/Hoviley was kept to a degree, just the name was changed, as a continuation to Clarendon Place. I think they should have kept the name Hoviley .... although, on a post from 15th November 2011 there is still a sign stating "Hoviley" on the wall on Commercial Street.
Map from 1897
Looking along Hoviley, towards Hoviley Brow in the far distance, (going up to the left) and George Street (going up to the right). The white building is the Kings Arms Pub.
(Many thanks Meglet and Hyde Lad) :)
A couple of cans of Flick and Gunk that are mentioned in the comments.
David Stafford still has both cans which are still half full !!
Thanks David :)
Great aerial photo, many thanks, H.
One slight query,
I think you'll find the bottom photo is taken looking along Hoviley, towards Hoviley Brow in the far distance, (going up to the left) and George Street (going up to the right).
The white building on the left is at the bottom of Lewis Street, a great photo of this building can be found under the heading 'Lewis Street (Disappeared Streets 4)' posted on 13 August 2010.
The Talbot Pub and Commercial St would be right behind the photographer in your photo,
Spot on theMeglet !. I agree.
I was born on spring street just up from lewis street and there was a pub on the corner but never saw it used, and just opposite the cpa print works was a hardware shop had tin baths hung outside.
I grew up on Brook Street myself, and Hoviley, as always had a special place in my heart.
As a tot in the very early '70's walking along Hoviley with my mum meant only one thing, Hyde Park funtime! :)
The other day I spotted in the Tameside photo Archive, a very beautiful photo of Hoviley, taken in the 1920's I think, looking down from Hoviley Brow.
It really is a mesmerizing photo.
The white building on the left was the Kings Arms public house. It shut down in 1947 and was demolished in the 1950's.
Thanks Everyone !
Changed the description.
I can see Hoviley Brow now. I got my bearing wrong. Unfortunately, the pub mentioned (Kings Arms) was demolished before i was born :)
I wonder if anybody knew what the pub on the corner of spring street which was number one must be before 1949?
Fernally Street is on the left of the picture, directly across Hoviley is Mottram Street leading to George Street. The building on Mottram Road must be the old Turbine garage. The building between Fernally Street and the Turbine Garage was Harry Wood's storage unit for his fruit and veg, on the other side of the Turbine Garage,in the first house on the row lived Thomas Walsh the coalman. The land behind the Turbine was known as the Foundary because it had once been the site of an iron works and engineering works. A section of what was once Ollerenshaws glove works can also be seen next to the old Methodist Sunday School on Hoviley. It was also used for a time as a welfare centre where you could obtain tried milk and orange juice.
On the 1970s aerial map Lewis Street goes up the right-hand side from Mottram Road to Hoviley, and at the Mottram Road end is now the entrance to Morrisons car-park. Presumably the last building on the left-hand side before you get to Hoviley is the old tram depot's electricity substation, which is still there today.
Thanks, Anonymous, for the extensive description of many of the features on the 1970's map. I wasn't familiar with this area before the motorway was built - was the row after the Turbine garage all houses or were there any shops there?
@Dave Williams
Yes, and facing the sub-station in the photo is Spring Street, making it's way down to where it joins Cheapside. (Off Photo)
I haven't got a great Knowledge of this area as a kid but remember my mother in the late 70s working in a factory in a bit of a wasteground area to the right of the footpath that runs up to Halton St. Im sure it was called Fosmin chemicals, it was a right dump as I recall it,the fumes inside were horrendous, I dont think health and safety would allow it today. I remember one of the products they made was Gunk engine cleaner. Maybe theMEGLET can recall it as it was on his stomping ground
@The Tufty Club
Yes, I remember the 'Gunk Factory' well, our parents always said don't go near it because of the health risks........but we did anyway (!)
I remember every bonfire night, us kids would mither one of the lads, who worked on the bay, to throw us out a couple of cans, so we could light our bonty's that night, the stuff was lethal, how that place never 'went up' I'll never know.
If I remember correctly in the early 80's they tried to diversify from making Gunk to auto anti-freeze and de-icer, but it didn't last and shutdown not long afterwards.
I think the the building was demolished in the late 80's, maybe due to health concerns as much as anything.
The whole area has been boarded off for the last three years waiting for redevelopment, but no movement yet.
I never knew "Gunk" was made in hyde i must have used dozens of tins of it over the years being a motorcyclist and yes it was pretty potent stuff.
There were three shops In that row, a hardware shop on the corner of Lewis Street ( later a delicatessen ),next to that was Johnson's newsagents and then Hollands fruit and veg shop.
At the other end of the row lived the Hardmans,where Mrs Hardman ran a hairdressing business.
Walsh the coal merchant lived in the middle of the row. This was 1950.
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