The local children look like they are having a ball playing in the water !!
Hyde Mill can be seen in the background.
How the area has changed...
The same view taken in June 2012
Again, many thanks to Tony Downend for sharing these wonderful photos with us.
Keep them coming, Tony! :)
What always strikes me about those 'Then and Now' pictures is how many trees there are around today compared with years gone by.
Wonderful photos Tony, so good to see the children of the fifties enjoying themselves like that, but thats what the fifties were like, playing out all the time, we didn't need expensive toys to enjoy ourselves, just to be out in the fresh air with our friends, in all weathers, climbing trees in the woods, making dams in the stream and getting up to all sorts of mischief! In 1952 I was six, we had a back yard with outside toilet, and we used to make a great two room den with mums clothes maidens and blankets in our back yard, the fifties was a great time to be a kid!
The building of the first colony of "Prefabs" in Hyde commenced at Carter Street on Monday, 17th March, 1947. The "Prefabs" for the Carter Street Estate arrived in sections of four on large articulated lorries. Four sections made up a complete detached bungalow, and all the sections could easily be placed within postion inside an hour. A gantry was rigged up on each side of the lorry, the house sections where then lifted and lowered on to a trolley on rails along which the sections of the houses were then placed in position. In eleven days 37 aluminium pre-fabricated houses were erected on the Carter Street site. The following week the contracters moved over to the High Street site, Godley, where a further 27 pre-fabs were erected. In November 1947, the pre fabricated houses on Wych Fold Estate, behind the Grapes Hotel, were erected by the same contractor
The flooding was caused by a burst water main it affected the area of Acresfield Road as well.A Mr Sayers who was the fire inspector at ICI came down to turn the stop tap off.
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