Here is a photo of Greenfield Street Brass Band from approximately 1979-1980.
The band are pictured with Deputy headteacher Mr Evans.
It was sent to us by Rob Heywood
If anyone can recognise any of the band, please contact us.
For the people who know me and knew me from my schools days and misspent youth it might come as a surprise to hear this.. but as much as the man scared me... I also had more respect for him than any other teacher there... He was consistent in what he expected as good behaviour... you knew exactly where you were with this man and woe betide you if he caught you doing wrong. I knew him as Grass Head.. his name is Mr Evens.
I recognise a couple of old friends in the band one is Brian Hopwood on the drums and the other is Colin Knight on the front row with the Euphonium or big tuba.The school band was Mr Evans pride and joy.Strict,but fair long as you did,nt cross him.
Hi all visited this site once before but on my second time suprised to see myself!! I am second from the left front row, Ronnie Sharpe with the euphonium and my musical mate on the far right front and second euph is Alex Iscrisky( probably spelt wrong ) who also used to play the accordian, I assume frome his eastern roots. A nice guy as were all members of the band, a small family and aAlan Evans was fantastic with the band, he devoted a lot of time to perfecting us. Most people outside the band only saw the man as a strict man who shouted a lot, he was a very different, proud man who stood in front of us when we played on the stage at the town hall. He encouraged us all and I went on to a musical career in the Army. Good times. I have been back to Hyde and think it is sad that Greenfield St School as a building has gone. I felt it started my life..
I'm second in from the left on the back row , holding the Trombone . I was ok but was never going to be a professional musician . I recognise Rob Heywood , Nigel Fletcher , Kevin Taylor , Brian Hopwood, plus one or two others . Remember band practise on monday nights in the school hall (at first I joined the band to get in 'Grassheads 'good books , he was always a bit easier on you if you were in the band . Myself and Rob Heywood would go from practise and then run up to watch Hyde United straight after , who used to play quite a lot on Mondays back then . You don't realise it at the time but Mr Evans was a top bloke who taught me a lot - pity there aren't teachers like him today . Great memeories.
I too have visited Hydonian before and was happy to see a picture of the band, then I realized I am 2nd row 3rd from left. Norman Ovens. I think it is slightly earlier than 79, I left in 80. I think I was probably a 3rd year Colin Knight and Alex looked a lot Hairier by the time we were 5th years.
Andrew James 2nd row 2nd from left Ian Fletcher back row 4th from left. front Far right Alex Iskritski ?, Hopwood on drums Paul Heaton Front 4th from Left Lowrie back row 2nd from left
Mr Evans was a good man. actually all the teachers I came across were great people.
We knew him as Brass Neck.. haha
He used to scare the sh*t out of me lol
we knew him as grasshead and when he tapped that coin on the window all the people on hyde market would stand still ha ha
For the people who know me and knew me from my schools days and misspent youth it might come as a surprise to hear this.. but as much as the man scared me... I also had more respect for him than any other teacher there... He was consistent in what he expected as good behaviour... you knew exactly where you were with this man and woe betide you if he caught you doing wrong. I knew him as Grass Head.. his name is Mr Evens.
yes tom he was well respected he was called alan evans he even taught my mum at leigh street school before he worked at greenfield street
I recognise a couple of old friends in the band one is Brian Hopwood on the drums and the other is Colin Knight on the front row with the Euphonium or big tuba.The school band was Mr Evans pride and joy.Strict,but fair long as you did,nt cross him.
Hi all visited this site once before but on my second time suprised to see myself!!
I am second from the left front row, Ronnie Sharpe with the euphonium and my musical mate on the far right front and second euph is Alex Iscrisky( probably spelt wrong ) who also used to play the accordian, I assume frome his eastern roots. A nice guy as were all members of the band, a small family and aAlan Evans was fantastic with the band, he devoted a lot of time to perfecting us. Most people outside the band only saw the man as a strict man who shouted a lot, he was a very different, proud man who stood in front of us when we played on the stage at the town hall.
He encouraged us all and I went on to a musical career in the Army.
Good times. I have been back to Hyde and think it is sad that Greenfield St School as a building has gone. I felt it started my life..
I'm second in from the left on the back row , holding the Trombone . I was ok but was never going to be a professional musician . I recognise Rob Heywood , Nigel Fletcher , Kevin Taylor , Brian Hopwood, plus one or two others . Remember band practise on monday nights in the school hall (at first I joined the band to get in 'Grassheads 'good books , he was always a bit easier on you if you were in the band . Myself and Rob Heywood would go from practise and then run up to watch Hyde United straight after , who used to play quite a lot on Mondays back then . You don't realise it at the time but Mr Evans was a top bloke who taught me a lot - pity there aren't teachers like him today . Great memeories.
Great Christmas Brass Band song
Greetings from Michigan USA
I too have visited Hydonian before and was happy to see a picture of the band, then I realized I am 2nd row 3rd from left. Norman Ovens. I think it is slightly earlier than 79, I left in 80. I think I was probably a 3rd year Colin Knight and Alex looked a lot Hairier by the time we were 5th years.
Andrew James 2nd row 2nd from left
Ian Fletcher back row 4th from left. front Far right Alex Iskritski ?, Hopwood on drums
Paul Heaton Front 4th from Left
Lowrie back row 2nd from left
Mr Evans was a good man. actually all the teachers I came across were great people.
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