The People.
In 1915 Parliament passed the Nation registration Act, under which every person in the United Kingdom between the ages of 15 and 65, except members of the Navy and Army, was required to fill up a registration form on August 15th of that year. The information required on the forms related to age, residence, married or single, number of children dependent, occupation, name of employer, whether skilled in any work other that on which employed, etc. the Act resulted in the getting together of a vast amount of useful information. In the Borough of Hyde the work was done under the supervision of the Town Clark (Mr. Thos. Brownson, B.A.), with the Chief Assistant Overseer (Mr. W. Oldham) as his principle colleague. There were 150 enumerators, who delivered and collected the forms, and explained as far as possible any point on which there was any doubt. The work of the enumerators was completed about the middle of August. There were 8,395 dwelling-houses in the borough, and 10,628 males and 13,320 females filled in the registration forms. After being collected, the forms were taken to the Town Hall, where they passed through several courses of examination, much classifying being necessary. In addition to the enumerators, there were many helpers in the work at the Town Hall; all the work was done voluntarily, and among those who assisted were numerous headmasters and teachers of the Day Schools of the borough.
The following is a list of helpers in the work in the Town Hall: Messrs. E. Edge, V. Edge, J. Bowker, W. Ardern, F. E. Wood, A. W. Jennett, J. Bowden, W. Hudson. H. Wrigley, G. W. Oldham, H. Craven, C. H. Burden, H. Loch, A. Mercer, A. Saxon, A. Wilkinson, G. Fox, B. Garside, W. Scott, J. D. Nuttall, R. Brownson, J. Harrison, J. W. Wake, R. P. Hitchen, H. Cann, R. Howarth, C. T. Billinge, A. Cash, J. Heaton, F. Shepley; Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. Buzza, Misses Brownson, Kent, Coope, Wrigley, Clarke, Cordingley, A. Farrington, E. Farrington, N. Singleton, K. Broderick, M. Banks, S. Kerfoot, L. Wragg, H. Hall. G, Hall. Tweedale, Bowker, Wood, Wilkinson, B. Cash, B, Dawson, S. Hibbert, Mrs. C. T. Billinge.
The following is a list of enumerators: - Mesdames Mirfin, E. Swinfin, C. J. Robinson, H. Andrew, A. Buzza, Jessie Beeley; Misses M. Gott, J. Crotty, Reynolds, E. Minshall, E. Kent, M. Dunlop, A. Clarke, Tweedale, M. Hall, S. E. Rowland, A. Philips, A. Wilkinson, E. Mattin, K. Broderick, M. Banks, B. Dawson, Constance Elias, E. Middleton, M. Savidge, L. Lea, C. Wildgoose, G. Silver, E. Quayle, B. Turner, E. A. Harrison, E. Booth, E. Clarke, F. Bagshaw, A. Kershaw, N. Singleton, B. Cash, B. K. Dixon, S. Kerfoot, F. Hallworth, F. Williamson, B. Mycock, B. Jones, Irene Mycock, L. Wragg, F. Baguley, E. Pect, E. Herod, A. Coope, M. Little, E. Farrington, N. Bradbury, F. E. Skinner, A. Farrington, E. Nichols, Cordingley, E. Bowker, and Priestley; Messrs. F. Howarth, R. Hitchen, A. W. Jennett, A. W. Parker, Oswald Bardsley, Howard Wrigley, G. H. Purssglove, J. Chadwick, John Axon, N. Ridgway, John Dixon, John Vickers, E. J. Cobbett, Mark Devlin, P. Scholes, G. W. Sutton. Ephriam Lewis, James Molesdale, F. Brown, Jos. Marshall, R. Howarth, C. Beeley, J. H. Stafford, G. W. Davidson, A. Saxton, B. Hibbert, Wm. Barker, Austin Gregory, Wm. Lord, J. Proctor, John, Chorton, H. Linney, R. Gatley, J. Proctor, Alfred Firth., Jas Morris, James Hogg, George Fox, J. W. Vickers, Van Aalten, G. H. Nichols, J. Wilding, E. W. Crossland, A. E. Searle, Sergeant. Robert Atkinson, Inspector W. Moore, Rev. Chaplin Wilkinson, Walter Gee, Thomas Swindells, H. Fisher, J. Bowden, J. W. Wake, H. Denerley, H.C. Buttery, Frank Bardsley, T. B. Dawson, G. Spencer, H.V. Hird, W. W. Kenyon, R. W. Andrew, Harry Wild, Joseph Whitehead, F. Torkington, Thomas Thompson, George H. Oulton, Frank Whalley, Walter Scott, Tom Cooper, W. J. B. Ford, Chas H. Walmsley, Geo. Hopwood, Samuel Leigh, P. Barber, A. W. Leech, T. Horrocks, S. Redfern, John Cross, G. Wild, F. Cowling, C. H. Alty, G. W. Oldham, A. Timperley, George Brooks, F. E. Wood, A. Mercer, Councillor T. Middleton, R. Gregory, Joseph Harrison, J. Bowker, J. D. Nuttall, Wm. Spiller, Councillor Jas. Hibbert, B. Craig

Front row: Messrs. J. T. Cartwright, M. Hallas, F. E. Wood, S, Evens (Ald.) H. Brooke, J. Singleton.
Back row: Messrs. J. H. Hall, W, Shaw, J. McDiarmid, B. Hibbert, J. Kempster.
Photo, Searle, Hyde.